Closed Trade – SPX bear call spread w/ weekly options

Stock / Symbol: S&P 500 INDEX / SPX
Price at trade entry: $1363.50
Date of trade entry: Apr 29
Date of trade exit: May 6
Option Strategy: bear call spread

Analysis: This trade had a 91.80% probability of success and it didn't disappoint. With the SPX closing at 1340 on Friday, the 1390 strike May Week1 options we sold last week expired worthless. So, we keep the full credit and have earned 4.17% (pre-commissions) in one week. We'll look to do this again next week.

Max Risk: $1920
Realized Reward: $80 or 4.17%
Profit Range: $0 - $1390.40
Max Profit at: $1390 or lower

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